Saturday, 29 March 2014

Raiffeisen Bank International

Raiffeisen Bank International logoRaiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) originated from the merger of Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG's (RZB) customer business segments with Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG. RBI regards both Austria, where it is a leading corporate and investment bank, and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as its home market. RBI is a fully-consolidated subsidiary of Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB). Total assets: €130.6 billion (as of December 31, 2013). Net profit: €1,087 million (2010), €968 million (2011), €730 million (2012), €557 million (2013).

In CEE, RBI operates an extensive network of subsidiary banks, leasing companies and a range of other specialised financial service providers in 17 markets. 56,000 employees service about 15 million customers through around 3,000 business outlets in the region.

Vienna, Austria
Key People:
Herbert Stepic (CEO), Martin Grüll (CFO)
Head Office:Am Stadtpark 9, A-1030 Vienna

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

List of important founders

Google — Larry Page & Sergey Brin
Facebook— Mark Zuckerberg
Yahoo— David Filo & Jerry Yang
Twitter— Jack Dorsey & Dick Costolo
Internet— Tim Berners Lee
LinkedIn— Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue& Koonstantin Guericke
Email— Shiva Ayyadurai
Gtalk— Richard Wah kan
Whats up — Laurel Kirtz
Hotmail— Sabeer Bhatia
Orkut— Buyukkokten
Wikipedia— Jimmy Wales
You tube— Steve Chen, Chad
Hurley & JawedKarim
Rediffmail— Ajit Balakrishnan

भारतीय इतिहास के प्रमुख युद्ध

(1) 326 ई.पू.- हाईडेस्पीज का युद्ध : सिकंदर और पंजाब के राजा पोरस के बीच जिसमे सिकंदर की विजय हुई |

(2) 261 ई.पू.-कलिंग की लड़ाई : सम्राट अशोक ने कलिंग पर आक्रमण किया था और युद्ध के रक्तपात से विचलित होकर उन्होंने युद्ध न करने की कसम खाई |

(3) 712 ईस्वी– सिंध की लड़ाई में मोहम्मद कासिम ने अरबों की सत्ता स्थापित की |

(4) 1191 ई.– तराईन का प्रथम युद्ध – मोहम्मद गौरी और पृथ्वी राज चौहान के बीच हुआ था | चौहान की विजय हुई |

(5) 1192-तराईन का द्वितीय युद्ध – मोहम्मद गौरी और पृथ्वी राज चौहान के बीच| इसमें मोहम्मद गौरी की विजय हुई |

(6) 1194-चंदावर का युद्ध – इसमें मुहम्मद गौरी ने कन्नौज के राजा जयचंद को हराया |

(7) 1526 -पानीपत का प्रथम युद्ध -मुग़ल शासक बाबर और इब्राहीम लोधी के बीच |

(8) 1527 -खानवा का युद्ध – इसमें बाबर ने राणा सांगा को पराजित किया |

(9) 1529 -घाघरा का युद्ध -इसमें बाबर ने महमूद लोदी के नेतृत्व में अफगानों को हराया |

(10) 1539– चौसा का युद्ध – इसमें शेरशाह सूरी ने हुमायु को हराया |

(11) 1540– कन्नौज (बिलग्राम का युद्ध) : इसमें फिर से शेरशाह सूरी ने हुमायूँ को हराया व भारत छोड़ने पर मजबूर किया |

(12) 1556– पानीपत का द्वितीय युद्ध :अकबर और हेमू के बीच |

(13) 1565 – तालीकोटा का युद्ध : इस युद्ध से विजयनगर साम्राज्य का अंत हो गया क्यूंकि बीजापुर, बीदर,अहमदनगर व गोलकुंडा की संगठित सेना ने लड़ी थी |

(14) 1576– हल्दी घाटी का युद्ध : अकबर और राणा प्रताप के बीच, इसमें राणा प्रताप की हार हुई |

(15) 1757– प्लासी का युद्ध : अंग्रेजो और सिराजुद्दौला के बीच, जिसमे अंग्रेजो की विजय हुई और भारत में अंग्रेजी शासन की नीव पड़ी |

(16) 1760 – वांडीवाश का युद्ध : अंग्रेजो और फ्रांसीसियो के बीच, जिसमे फ्रांसीसियो की हार हुई |

(17) 1761-पानीपत का तृतीय युद्ध :अहमदशाह अब्दाली और मराठो के बीच | जिसमे फ्रांसीसियों की हार हुई |

(18) 1764 -बक्सर का युद्ध : अंग्रेजो और शुजाउद्दौला, मीर कासिम एवं शाह आलम द्वितीय की संयुक्त सेना के बीच | अंग्रेजो की विजय हुई | अंग्रेजो को भारत वर्ष में सर्वोच्च शक्ति माना जाने लगा |

(19) 1767-69 – प्रथम मैसूर युद्ध : हैदर अली और अंग्रेजो के बीच, जिसमे अंग्रेजो की हार हुई |

(20) 1780-84– द्वितीय मैसूर युद्ध : हैदर अली और अंग्रेजो के बीच, जो अनिर्णित छूटा |

(21) 1790– तृतीय आंग्ल मैसूर युद्ध : टीपू सुल्तान और अंग्रेजो के बीच लड़ाई संधि के द्वारा समाप्त हुई |

(22) 1799 – चतुर्थ आंग्ल मैसूर युद्ध : टीपू सुल्तान और अंग्रेजो के बीच , टीपू की हार हुई और मैसूर शक्ति का पतन हुआ |

(23) 1841– चिलियान वाला युद्ध : ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी और सिखों के बीच हुआ था जिसमे सिखों की हार हुई |

(24) 1962 – भारत चीन सीमा युद्ध : चीनी सेना द्वारा भारत के सीमा क्षेत्रो पर आक्रमण | कुछ दिन तक युद्ध होने के बाद एकपक्षीय युद्ध विराम की घोषणा | भारत को अपनी सीमा के कुछ हिस्सों को छोड़ना पड़ा |

(25) 1965 – भारत पाक युद्ध : भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच युद्ध जिसमे पाकिस्तान की हार हुई | बांग्लादेश एक स्वतन्त्र देश बना (1971 AD)|

(26) 1999 -कारगिल युद्ध : जम्मू एवं कश्मीर के द्रास और कारगिल क्षेत्रो में पाकिस्तानी घुसपैठियों को लेकर हुए युद्ध में पुनः पाकिस्तान को हार का सामना करना पड़ा और भारतीयों को जीत मिली |


1. भारत से कितने देशों की सरहदें मिलती हैं? — सात

2. जब चन्द्रमा, सूर्य और पृथ्वी के बीच में आता है तब कौनसा ग्रहण लगता है?— सूर्यग्रहण

3. लीप वर्ष में कितने दिन होते है? — 366 दिन

4. ध्रुवों पर कितने माह के दिन व रात होते हैं? — 6.6 माह के

5. जोजिला दर्रा किस राज्य में हैं? — जम्मू-कश्मीर

6. किस राज्य की समुद्री तटरेखा सबसे लम्बी हैं? — गुजरात

7. भारत किस गोलार्द्ध में स्थित है? — उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध

8. विश्व का सबसे विशाल मरुस्थल है — सहारा ( अफ्रीका )

9. भारत का सबसे उत्तरी बिन्दु इन्दिरा काल कहाँ स्थित है?— जम्मू कश्मीर में

10. ग्लोब पर कर्क रेखा भारत के कितने राज्यों से होकर गुजरती है?— 8


1.करियर ग्रैंडस्लैम जीतने वाले एकमात्र
भारतीय खिलाड़ी कौन है ?
Ans:- लिएंडर पैस

2. भारत के प्रथम स्वदेशी विमान वाहक
पोत का नाम क्या है ?
Ans:- INS विक्रांत

3. इंसुलिन की खोज किसने की
उत्तर : एफ. टी . बेन्टिंग

4. नेत्रदान में आँख का कौन
सा भाग प्रयुक्त किया जाता है
उत्तर : कॉर्निय

5. प्रोटीन किससे बनती है
उत्तर : अमीनो अम्ल से

6. अंतररास्ट्रीय न्यायालय
कहाँ स्थित है
उत्तर : हेग में

7. संविधान सभा के
अस्थायी अध्यक्ष कौन थे
उत्तर : सच्चिदानंद सिन्हा

8. दाड़ी बनाते समय कौन सा दर्पण प्रयोग किया जाता है
उत्तर : अवतल दर्पण

9. प्राकृतिक रबड़ किसका बहुलक है?
उत्तर- आइसोप्रीन का

10. भारत का पहला पूर्णरूपेण कंप्यूटरीकृत गांव
कौनसा है?
उत्तर- वेल्लानाड



1. असम राज्य का प्रमुख लोकनृत्य कौनसा है?- नटपूजा |
2. गुजरात का प्रमुख लोकनृत्य है?- डांडियारास |
3. महाराष्ट्र का प्रमुख लोकनृत्य कौनसा है?- लावणी |
4. पश्चिम बंगाल का प्रमुख लोकनृत्य कौनसा है?- कीर्तन |
5. भरतनाट्यम किस राज्य का प्रमुख शास्त्रीय नृत्य है?- तमिलनाडु |
6. आंध्रप्रदेश का सम्बन्ध किस नृत्य से है?- कुचिपुड़ी |
7. झारखण्ड का प्रमुख लोक नृत्य है?- झाऊ |
8. मोहिनी अट्टम का सम्बन्ध किस राज्य से है?- केरल |
9. उत्तरप्रदेश का प्रमुख लोकनृत्य कौनसा है?- नौटंकी |
10. हरियाणा का प्रमुख लोकनृत्य है?- घोड़ीनाच |



AAP: Aam Admi Party 
BSF: Border Security Force CRPF: Central Reserve Police Force 
UNSC: United Nations Security Council 
ITFOK: International Theatre Festival of Kerala 
MCX: Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd 
TRAI: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India 
CAG: Comptroller and Auditor General of India 
WBF: World Badminton Federation 
WBHRC: West Bengal Human Rights Commission
ICAI: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ECI: Election Commission of India
BOJ: Bank of Japan
NEOWISE: Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
WISE: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
BAI: Badminton Association of India
NDDB: National Dairy Development Board
UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization
IIFCL: India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd
ADB: Asian Development Bank BWF: Badminton World Federation
POI: Proof of Identity
EPI: Environmental Performance Index


Question  ::

Q. केरल राज्य का नया राज्यपाल
किसे नियुक्त किया गया हैं ?
1) शीला दीक्षित
2) एच.आर भारद्वाज
3) मोतीलाल वोरा
4) इनमें से कोई नही

Governors of Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Governors of Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

(1) Sir Osborne Smith— 1 April 1935 – 30 June 1937
(2) Sir James Braid Taylor—1 July 1937 – 17 February 1943
(3) Sir C. D. Deshmukh— 11 August 1943 – 30 June 1949
(4) Sir Benegal Rama Rau—1 July 1949 – 14 January 1957
(5) K. G. Ambegaonkar— 14 January 1957 – 28 February 1957
(6) H. V. R. Iyengar—1 March 1957 – 28 February 1962
(7) P. C. Bhattacharya— 1 March 1962 – 30 June 1967
(8) L. K. Jha— 1 July 1967 – 3 May 1970
(9) B. N. Adarkar—4 May 1970 – 15 June 1970
(10) S. Jagannathan— 16 June 1970 – 19 May 1975
(11) N. C. Sen Gupta— 19 May 1975 – 19 August 1975
(12) K. R. Puri— 20 August 1975 – 2 May 1977
(13) M. Narasimham— 2 May 1977 – 30 November 1977
(14) Dr. I. G. Patel—1 December 1977 – 15 September 1982
(15) Dr. Manmohan Singh—16 September 1982 – 14 January 1985
(16) A. Ghosh— 15 January 1985 – 4 February 1985
(17) R. N. Malhotra—4 February 1985 – 22 December 1990
(18) S. Venkitaramanan— 22 December 1990 – 21 December 1992
(19) Dr. C. Rangarajan—22 December 1992 – 21 November 1997
(20) Dr. Bimal Jalan— 22 November 1997 – 6 September 2003
(21) Dr. Y. Venugopal Reddy— 6 September 2003 – 5 September 2008
(22) Dr. Duvvuri Subbarao— 5 September 2008 – 4 September 2013
(23) Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan— 4 Sepatember—

ONGC India Recruitment 2014 Notification

Introduction : Oil and natural gas corporation is a Maharatna of Government of India. This company engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas in Indian and various other countries. The ONGC produce more than 80% of total oil production in India. With a turnover of Rs.25,123 Cr., company is growing without leaps and bounds. ONGC Videsh a subsidiary of ONGC has invested more than 10 billion dollars in 16 countries. It provides a growth to employees with best CTC packages in industry.  

New applications are invited from eligible candidates in ONGC as per notification announced on March 2014 to fill various position  All the details regarding qualification of candidates required forrecruitment given below: 
Total Jobs:842
  • Assistant Executive Engineer
  • Assistant legal Advisor: 06 Posts
  • Chemist: 74 Posts
  • Finance & Account Officer: 42 Posts
  • Fire Officer: 08 Posts
  • Medical Officer: 12 Posts
  • Geologist: 41 Posts
  • Geophysicist (Surface): 28 Posts
  • Geophysicist (Wells): 22 Posts
  • HR Executive: 12 Posts
  • Marine Officer: 04 Post
  • Material Management Officer: 22 Posts
  • Programming Officer: 04 Posts
  • Security Officer: 07 Posts
  • Transport Officer: 12 Posts

Age: Maximum age limit is 30 years for some position. Go to official ONGC recruitmentadvertisement for detailed information.

Educational Qualification :Go to recruitment notification.
    Selection process
    • Selection will be made on basis of written test, psychometric test and personal interview/ driving test. 
    Application Fee:
    1. General and OBC Candidates need to pay Rs. 500/-
    2. SC Candidates need to pay Rs. 100/-

      Interested candidates should visit official website and submit form online mode only. It is only method available to apply for ONGC recruitment project.

      Online Apply

      Important dates
      Starting date of online application: 22.03.2014 (10.00 am)
      Last date of online application: 11.04.2014 (up to 06.00 pm.)
      Date for editing in online form between; 12.04.2014 to 15.04.2014.

      Download advertisement from
      Online Application Form

      Monday, 24 March 2014

      PSU banks need 19,813 more ATMs by March-end to meet target

      State-run banks could set up only 14,855 ATMs by December, leaving an uphill task of installing close to 20,000 more cash dispensing machines by March-end to achieve the target of at least one onsite ATM in every branch.
      Pursuant to Budget 2013-14 announcement, PSU banks were required to ensure an onsite ATM in all 72,340 branches by the end of the current financial year.
      In March 2013, only 37,672 branches had onsite ATMs, and thus 34,668 more were to be installed.
      Till December 2013, the state-owned banks could set up only 14,855 ATMs, leaving 19,813 more ATMs that need to be installed in the remaining period.
      As per the roll-out schedule of ATM installations, the state-owned banks should have set up 25,950 cash dispensing machines by December 2013 or about 75 per cent of the target.
      SBI had put in place 2,266 ATMs till December and has to install 2,221 more by March, 2014, according to the progress report of ATMs installation at all branches of banks.
      Allahabad Bank has set up 385 ATMs and is yet to install 2,033 more.
      United Bank of India has to to set up 1,044 ATMs to meet the overall target of 1,342.
      Bank of India, Indian Overseas Bank, Syndicate Bank and Punjab National Bank need to set up 1,319, 1,004, 1,560 and 1,408 ATMs, respectively.
      However, Bank of Baroda, IDBI Bank and Vijaya Bank have to set up only 02, 32 and 39 ATMs, respectively to meet their targetS.
      There 26 public sector banks, including country's largest lender State Bank of India and its associates.

      United Bank of India cuts lending rate by 0.25 per cent

      State-owned United Bank of India has slashed base rate or minimum lending rate by 0.25 per cent.
      "It has been decided to reduce the base rate of the bank from 10.50 per cent to 10.25 per cent with effect from March 24," United Bank of India said in a filing on the Bombay Stock Exchange.
      All new loans, including home and car loans, would become cheaper by 0.25 per cent with reduction in base rate.
      Shares of the United Bank of India was trading at Rs 28 per unit, up 3.70 per cent on BSE.
      Earlier this month, another public sector lender Allahabad Bank raised base rate by 0.05 per cent to 10.20 per cent from 10.25 per cent.
      In its Third Quarter Review of Monetary of Policy, the Reserve Bank of India in January raised the key repo rate to 8 per cent in a bid to curb inflation. The central bank's move was expected to translate into higher EMIs and push up borrowing costs for corporates.

      FIIs invest nearly Rs 9,600 cr in Indian equities in March so far

      Foreign investors have poured in a whopping Rs 9,600 crore in the stock market so far this month, mainly on the hopes of a stable government in general elections starting next month.
      Foreign Institutional Investors bought shares worth Rs 59,296 crore and sold stocks to the tune of Rs 49,699 crore till March 21, resulting in a net inflow of Rs 9,597 crore (USD 1.56 billion), according to the Securities and Exchange Board of India data.
      FIIs also infused Rs 12,816 crore ($2 billion) in the debt market during the period.
      According to market analysts, there has been some narrowing in the country's Current Account deficit and a stability in the rupee value against the US dollar, but focus has shifted to the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
      They said FIIs are betting on Bharatiya Janata Party-led government, headed by Narendra Modi, at the Centre.
      Meanwhile, Finance Minister P Chidambaram said earlier this month that both current account and fiscal deficits are under control and the economy is more stable than it was 18 months ago.
      That apart, marketmen said foreign investors have sidelined their concerns of further tapering by the US Federal Reserve.
      FIIs, the major drivers of the Indian stock market, have helped push the benchmark BSE Sensex almost 635 points, or 3 per cent so far this month.
      Overseas investors have purchased a net Rs 11,716 crore worth of stocks so far in 2014. They had invested a net Rs 1,404 crore in equities in February, and Rs 714 crore in stocks in January.
      As of March 21, there were 1,715 registered FIIs in the country and 6,318 sub-accounts.

      Rupee rises above six-mth high on FII inflows

      Tracking strong performance in Indian stocks, the rupee on Monday appreciated 12 paise against the US dollar to end at an over six-and-a-half month closing peak of 60.77 buoyed by sustained capital inflows.
      Continued dollar selling by exporters also aided the rupee's upward journey for the second session in a row even as the dollar index was trading up 0.14 per cent against a basket of six major global currencies.
      Overseas funds pumped in over Rs 1,465 crore in Indian equities on Monday, helping benchmark indices hit fresh highs.
      At the Interbank Foreign Exchange (Forex) market, the rupee resumed slightly lower at 60.92 a dollar from last weekend's close of 60.89.
      While it touched a low of 60.93 soon after, a strong recovery mirroring jump in Indian shares pushed the rupee to a intra-day high of 60.6450. It settled for the day at 6-1/2-month high of 60.77, a rise of 12 paise or 0.20 per cent. Last Friday, it shot up by 45 paise or 0.73 per cent.
      The rupee had last closed at 60.77 on August 6, 2013.
      "I certainly believe ... the economy has stabilised and that is reflected in rupee and stock markets. And going forward, I think, we will see growth numbers also improving," Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram said in Delhi.
      The Indian benchmark S&P BSE Sensex rose 300.16 points, or 1.38 per cent, on hopes the RBI will hold interest rates in its upcoming policy review next month.
      Pramit Brahmbhatt, CEO, Alpari Financial Services, (India) said: "Rupee appreciated today taking cues from the strong local equities which closed at record highs. The gain was capped by the dollar index which is trading positively."
      On Friday, the rupee zoomed 45 paise on the back of massive capital inflows linked to the government stake sale in Axis Bank. Experts see FII inflows helping rupee firm up further.
      "Going ahead, we will track the number of reports due this week from US, euro zone to get further direction," said Abhishek Goenka, Founder and CEO, India Forex Advisors.
      FIIs picked up shares worth Rs 14.79 crore on Saturday in a special trading, as per provisional data with exchanges.
      Meanwhile, forward dollar premium continued to rule weak on persistent receipts by exporters.
      The benchmark six-month premium payable in August dipped to 213-215 paise from last Friday's close of 220-222 paise.
      Far forward contracts maturing in February, 2015 also fell to 454-456 paise from 464-466 paise.
      The RBI fixed the reference rate for dollar at 60.7030 for the euro at 83.8070.
      The rupee improved further to 100.30 against the pound from last close of 100.53. It also remained firm to end at 83.70 per euro from 84.03.
      The rupee hardened to 59.33 per 100 Japanese yen from 59.53.

      Analysts see no major impact from new Fed tapering talks

      The US Federal Reserve's latest hint at early ending of the monthly bond repurchases and that interest rates could start to rise from early 2015, is unlikely to have a major impact on India, according to analysts.
      The Federal Reserve last week also announced it would reduce its bond-buying programme to $55 billion from $65 billion every month.
      "India, in our view, is in a much better position to deal with this scenario now," Deutsche Bank said in a report.
      "Policy actions have reduced the economy's external account deficits and reliance of short-term external flows, fiscal consolidation has continued, and inflation respite is palpable," the report said.
      Domestic rating agency Care Ratings also said it does not see any major impact.
      "The domestic economy is influenced majorly by local factors as opposed to external. Hence, it is expected to remain largely unaffected by the ongoing tapering programme of the Fed," Care said.
      Both the forex and the stock markets did not show any knee-jerk reaction following the Fed announcement. In fact, two out of the three trading sessions since the announcement, the markets and the rupee gained.
      The report further said the financial markets have rallied considerably in anticipation of an economic reform friendly election outcome, foreign investor interest has surged, the rupee has been remarkably strong (rose close to 12 per cent from the August depth of 68.85), and latest data suggest an economic recovery is in the making.
      Deutsche Bank, however, said it is not going to get carried away by the current wave of optimism.
      "Our optimism rests instead on the fact that tough measures, such as fuel price hikes, monetary and fiscal tightening and FDI liberalisation have been taken over the past 18 months that will hold India on strong footing regardless of the election outcome," the report said.
      The report said that in the past one or two decades, the election cycles have come and gone, and markets have rallied exuberantly in the lead-up or aftermath of decisive electoral results.
      "These rallies have almost inevitably fizzled though as the reality of running a large, complex, and noisy democracy set in," it said.
      Deutsche said it is encouraged by prospects of the domestic economy and just doesn't have a strong view on which party can deliver more than the other.
      The report further said it expects the current account deficit in FY15 to be higher than this year ($50.5 billion vs $36.6 billion), on the back of stronger imports growth (10 per cent y-o-y in FY15 as against 5.3 pr cent likely in FY14).
      "As restrictions on gold imports ease and economic momentum picks up, imports growth will turn positive and raise the trade and current account deficit," the report said.
      The report, however, does not expect gold imports to increase as sharply as in FY12 and FY13, to lead to renewed concerns on the CAD front.
      On the rupee, the report said it does not see the currency breaching 61 on a sustained basis, as it expects the RBI to intervene and buy dollars below those levels.
      The report said that in the past one or two decades, the election cycles have come and gone, and markets have rallied exuberantly in the lead-up or aftermath of decisive electoral results.
      "These rallies have almost inevitably fizzled though as the reality of running a large, complex, and noisy democracy set in," it said.
      Deutsche said it is encouraged by prospects of the domestic economy and just doesn't have a strong view on which party can deliver more than the other.
      The report further said it expects the current account deficit in FY15 to be higher than this year ($50.5 billion vs $36.6 billion), on the back of stronger imports growth (10 per cent y-o-y in FY15 as against 5.3 pr cent likely in FY14).
      "As restrictions on gold imports ease and economic momentum picks up, imports growth will turn positive and raise the trade and current account deficit," the report said.
      The report, however, does not expect gold imports to increase as sharply as in FY12 and FY13, to lead to renewed concerns on the CAD front.
      On the rupee, the report said it does not see the currency breaching 61 on a sustained basis, as it expects the RBI to intervene and buy dollars below those levels.

      India ready to take on US at WTO platform

      Commerce and industry minister Anand Sharma on Sunday came out strongly to defend India's track record on intellectual property rights and said that the country is ready to take on the US at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the issue. "If the US wants a discussion in WTO, we are more than ready because we are not in any breach. We are very clear,'' Sharma said.
      An Indian committee is reviewing up to a dozen patented drugs to see if socalled compulsory licences, which in effect break exclusivity rights, can be issued for some of them. In 2012, India issued its first- ever compulsory licence to domestic drugmaker Natco Pharma Ltd on a kidney and liver cancer drug, Nexavar, patented by Germany's Bayer AG. That and a series of recent decisions on patented drugs in India, as part of New Delhi's push to increase access to lifesaving treatments, is at the centre of trade friction between India and the United States.
      India is on the US government's Priority Watch List- countries whose practices on protecting intellectual property Washington believes should be monitored closely.
      US industry trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America believes Washington should take a tougher line by downgrading it to a Priority Foreign Country.
      India is concerned over the manner in which the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) was carrying out audit inspections of Indian pharmaceutical companies and in some cases announcing major penalties without even waiting for the clarification from these firms to come through.
      Sharma said he had told USFDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg during her visit last month that the US should keep in loop Indian authorities if they have any issues.

      Now, an ATM that sells water for Rs 1 per litre

      Residents of the Mumbai can now buy water from an ATM, that too at an affordable price of Rs 1 per litre.
      In a first-of-its-kind for Mumbaikars, non-profit group Vandana Foundation has started 'AQUATM', a water vending machine.
      "The ATM can vend up to 1,000 litres per day... The water from AQUATM will be available to consumers at the price of Re 1 per litre," the Foundation said in a statement.
      Vandana Foundation and another non-profit group Aquakraft have come together for the water ATM. The vending machine has been set up at Mankhurd where there are water contamination problems.
      It can be operated through prepaid cards.

      US says ready to do business with Narendra Modi

      The United States would welcome Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi if he wins the upcoming election, a US official has said, in the clearest sign Washington will drop a travel ban on Modi imposed after anti-Muslim riots in 2002.
      US Assistant Secretary of State Nisha Biswal told a television interviewer that Washington was ready to do business with Modi, the front runner ahead of the April-May general election who is best placed to form a coalition government.
      "I would just say that the United States has welcomed every leader of this vibrant democracy, and that a democratically elected leader of India will be a welcome partner," Biswal told Headlines Today when asked if Modi, as prime minister, would be granted a US visa.
      Biswal made her comments in New Delhi on a visit to rebuild trade and political ties shaken by a row over the arrest in New York last December of an Indian diplomat suspected of visa fraud.
      US Ambassador to India Nancy Powell visited Modi at his home in Gandhinagar in Gujarat last month, ending a long estrangement over riots that erupted in the state governed by the Hindu nationalist leader.
      At least 1,000 people, most of them Muslims, were killed in 2002 when mobs went on a rampage across Gujarat after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims was torched, killing 59 people.
      Powell's visit was the highest-profile encounter between US officials and Modi since the State Department revoked his visa in 2005 over the bloodshed to which rights activists say he turned a blind eye. He denies the allegation.
      Biswal said the United States hoped India would continue to build a tolerant, moderate and secular society when asked if Washington had put its human rights concerns on the back burner because of Modi's political rise.
      "Visa issues are handled on a case by case basis. And determinations are made based on the facts of the day and are reviewed at the time that a request is made," she said according to a transcript released by the US embassy.
      The US administration, which does not want to be seen as taking sides in the Indian election campaign, has stopped short of stating publicly that Modi would be able to travel to the United States should he win the lower house election, leading to speculation that he would not be welcome in Washington.
      But diplomats say the until the election results are known, the question of whether Modi would be given a visa is hypothetical. Should he become the country's next leader, he would automatically receive a US visa, they say.
      Modi himself has not commented on the travel ban, but for his supporters in the Bharatiya Janata Party and outside the US decision has been a sore point. Senior party leader Arun Jaitley said last month that the US boycott had not been based on any evidence or court verdict but on "excessive propaganda".
      Britain was the first European country to end its boycott on meeting Modi followed by other European countries last year.

      Malaysian tourism authority downplays MH370 disappearance

      Even as 26 nations intensfiy search over a vast area spanning at least 2.24 million square nautical miles to find the missing Malaysian Airline flight MH370, there is still no trace of the Beijing bound jetliner, a Boeing 777, after 12 days. Malaysian tourism board officials on a ten-day sales mission to India downplayed the incident that has captured international attention.
      "Accidents happen," said Dato Mirza Mohammad Taiyab, Director General of Tourism, Malaysia addressing a media gathering in Mumbai on Tuesday.
      As the friends and families of the passengers and international media rue the fact that there has been very little flow of information from the Malaysian authorities, the tourism officials in Mumbai were matter of fact about the incident.
      "Search is still on. Nobody can say exactly where the plane is. Planes are still flying. It does not mean that everything should come to a standstill," said Taiyab.
      Investigating agencies are not ruling out a hijack, more so with two Iranian passengers travelling on the flight with stolen passports. However, Malaysian officials dismissed it as a global occurrence and denied that there was a security lapse on part of the Malaysian airport authorities.
      "It is not an unusual practice (travelling on stolen passports). People tamper with passports and change their photos for whatever reasons. This has happened at many places before and it is unfortunate that it has happened now," Taiyab said, allaying fears that the entire episode has sullied the reputation of the Malaysian Airlines. "We will plug any loopholes that are there in our immigration system," he added.
      Malaysia's Consul General Mohamed Hatimi Abas said the MH 370 disappearance is a lesson for the authorities and the authorities are hoping that the plane has not gone down. The Malaysian Minister of Tourism and Culture Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz called off his meeting with the Indian media fuelling speculation that he did not want to face questions from the press with the issue still remaining unresolved.
      There are five Indian passengers on board MH 370.
      The year 2014 has been declared as the 'Visit Malaysia Year' and the incident has come at a most inopportune time for the Malaysian Tourism Board's efforts to boost tourism and trade with partner countries.
      India is an important market for Malaysia. A total of 650,989 Indian travelers visited Malaysia in 2013, according to the information made available by the Malaysian Tourism Board, making it the sixth top tourist generating market to the country.

      Fed may raise rates as soon as next spring, Yellen suggests

      The US Federal Reserve will probably end its massive bond-buying programme this fall, and could start raising interest rates around six months later, Fed Chair Janet Yellen said on Wednesday, in a comment which sent stocks and bonds tumbling.
      Yellen's remarks at her first news conference as the head of the central bank pointed to a more aggressive path toward higher interest rates than many had anticipated, and bets in financial markets shifted accordingly.
      The comments came after a two-day meeting in which Fed officials made another reduction in their bond-buying stimulus and decided to jettison a set of guideposts they were using to help the public anticipate when they would finally raise rates.
      The Fed said the change in its rate hike guidance did not mark a shift in its intentions and that it would wait a "considerable time" after shuttering its asset purchase program before pushing borrowing costs higher.
      Yellen, who had fielded numerous questions without a hitch, hesitated when asked what the Fed meant by "considerable."
      "I -- I, you know, this is the kind of term it's hard to define, but, you know, it probably means something on the order of around six months or that type of thing. But, you know, it depends -- what the statement is saying is it depends what conditions are like."
      Several analysts wondered whether her answer was an unintended slip, given the deliberately vague language of the Fed's statement.
      Either way, the reaction in financial markets was swift and sharp. Prices for US stocks and government bonds added to earlier losses triggered by fresh Fed forecasts that showed policymakers are inclined to raise rates a bit more aggressively than they had been just a few months ago. The US dollar rose.
      "The forecast change could be interpreted as a relatively hawkish shift ... and as such the general market reaction seems well-founded," said JPMorgan economist Michael Feroli.
      Futures traders moved to price in a first interest rate hike as soon as April 2015. Previously, it was July.
      Most top Wall Street economists, however, continued to see the first rate hike in the second half of 2015, according to a Reuters poll.
      Yellen sought to use her news conference to emphasise that rates would stay low for awhile and rise only gradually. She also said they could end up staying lower than normal "for some time" even after the jobless rate drops to a healthy level.
      The Fed would look not only at how close inflation and unemployment are to its goals, but how fast, or slowly, those measures are approaching those goals, she said.
      At 6.7 per cent, the unemployment is well above the 5.2 per cent to 5.6 per cent range Fed officials see as in keeping with full employment. The central bank's favored inflation gauge is barely more than half of its 2.0 per cent target.
      The Fed has held interest rates near zero since late 2008 and has pumped more than $3 trillion into the economy with its bond purchases to try to foster a stronger recovery.
      Of the Fed's 16 policymakers, only one believes it will be appropriate to raise rates this year; 13 expect a first rate hike next year, and two others see the first rate hike coming in 2016, according to the new forecasts.
      But once rate hikes start, Fed officials see slightly sharper increases than they did in December, when they last issued forecasts. They now see rates ending 2016 at 2.25 per cent, a half percentage point above their December projections.
      The unease in markets "might be a sign that people think Yellen will tighten sooner rather than later," said Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst at Rockwell Securities in New York.
      The central bank proceeded with its well-telegraphed reductions to its massive bond-buying stimulus, announcing it would cut its monthly purchases of US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities to $55 billion from $65 billion.
      The decision to further scale back its stimulus keeps the Fed on track for the measured wind down laid out by Yellen's predecessor, Ben Bernanke. The Fed repeated that it plans to continue trimming the purchases in "measured steps" as long as labor conditions continue to improve and inflation shows signs of rising back toward the Fed's 2.0 per cent goal.
      The Fed's assessment of the US economy chalked up recent weakness partly to adverse weather.
      It had said since December 2012 that it would not consider raising short-term rates until the jobless rate fell to at least 6.5 per cent, as long as inflation looked set to remain contained.
      But the unemployment rate has fallen faster than anticipated, and officials dropped the guidance, saying they would look at a range of economic indicators to judge the economy's readiness for higher rates.
      Minneapolis Fed President Narayana Kocherlakota dissented, saying that getting rid of the numerical guidance could hurt the credibility of the Fed's commitment to return inflation to 2.0 per cent.