Tuesday, 18 February 2014

What Is The World Bank?

The World Bank Group (WBG) was established in 1944 to rebuild post-World War II Europe under the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Today, the World Bank functions as an international organization that fights poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle-income and low-income countries. By giving loans and offering advice and training in both the private and public sectors, the World Bank aims to eliminate poverty by helping people help themselves. Under the World Bank Group, there are complimentary institutions that aid in its goals to provide assistance. 
There are 184 member countries that are shareholders in the IBRD, which is the primary arm of the WBG. To become a member, however, a country must first join theInternational Monetary Fund (IMF). The size of the World Bank's shareholders, like that of the IMF's shareholders, depends on the size of a country's economy. Thus, the cost of a subscription to the World Bank is a factor of the quota paid to the IMF. 

There is an obligatory subscription fee, which is equivalent to 88.29% of the quota that a country has to pay to the IMF. In addition, a country is obligated to buy 195 World Bank shares (US$120,635 per share, reflecting a capital increase made in 1988). Of these 195 shares, 0.60% must be paid in cash in U.S. dollars while 5.40% can be paid in a country's local currency, in U.S. dollars, or in non-negotiable non-interest bearing notes. The balance of the 195 shares is left as "callable capital," meaning the World Bank reserves the right to ask for the monetary value of these shares when and if necessary. A country can subscribe a further 250 shares, which do not require payment at the time of membership but are left as "callable capital."
The president of the World Bank comes from the largest shareholder, which is the United States, and members are represented by a Board of Governors. Throughout the year, however, powers are delegated to a board of 24 executive directors (EDs). The five largest shareholders - the U.S., U.K., France, Germany and Japan - each have an individual ED, and the additional 19 EDs represent the rest of the member states as groups of constituencies. Of these 19, however, China, Russia and Saudi Arabia have opted to be single country constituencies, which means that they each have one representative within the 19 EDs. This decision is based on the fact that these countries have large, influential economies, which requires that their interests be voiced individually rather than diluted within a group. The World Bank gets its funding from rich countries as well as from the issuance of bonds on the world's capital markets. 
The Parts That Make Up the Whole 
The IBRD offers assistance to middle income and poor but credit worthy countries, and it also works as an umbrella for more specialized bodies under the World Bank. The IBRD was the original arm of the World Bank that was responsible for the reconstruction of post-war Europe. Before gaining membership in the WBG's affiliates (the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and the International Center For Settlement of Investment Disputes), a country must be a member of the IBRD. 

The International Development Association offers loans to the world's poorest countries. These loans come in the form of "credits," and are essentially interest-free. They offer a 10-year grace period and hold a maturity of 35 years to 40 years. 

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) works to promote private sector investments by both foreign and local investors. It provides advice to investors and businesses, and it offers normalized financial market information through its publications, which can be used to compare across markets. The IFC also acts as an investor in capital markets and will help governments privatize inefficient public enterprises
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) supports direct foreign investment into a country by offering security against the investment in the event of political turmoil. These guarantees come in the form of political risk insurance, meaning that MIGA offers insurance against the political risk that an investment in a developing country may bear. 

Finally, the International Center for Settlement of Investment Dispute facilitates and works towards a settlement in the event of a dispute between a foreign investor and a local country.

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