How To Crack SBI PO 2014 Exam in 2 Months?
Dear candidates,
SBI PO 2014 notification is announced and online examination will be held in the month of June. So, you have two months to prepare for the exam. We understand that two months seems like a little time to crack SBI PO, but you should always keep in mind that it doesn't hurt to try.
SBI PO 2014 notification is announced and online examination will be held in the month of June. So, you have two months to prepare for the exam. We understand that two months seems like a little time to crack SBI PO, but you should always keep in mind that it doesn't hurt to try.
SBI PO exam consist of:
1. Objective Tests of 200 marks and time 2 hrs.
2. Descriptive Test of 50 marks and time 1 hr.
The Objective Test will be in online mode,
immediately after you have to give Descriptive Test. Candidates will have to
answer Descriptive Test on paper/Pen mode.
Your selection is through written
and interview. You have to focus on 4 sections:
1. Reasoning
2. Data Interpretation
3. English Language
4. General Awareness + Computer + Marketing
Number of Questions:
Number of
Sections: 4
Questions Per
section: 50
Marks per
question: 1
Negative marking:
1/4th of marks
1. Reasoning (High Level):
i. Be mentally alert in reading the question
ii. Think logically for answers
iii. Practice similar questions from previous model papers/ previous
year exam papers.
Questions are related to
following topics:
Syllogism: 5 Qs
Data Sufficiency: 5 Qs
Miscellaneous – 5
Inequality or Decision Making: 5 Qs
Seating Arrangement/ Puzzle Test: 15 Qs
Input Output: 5 Qs
Logical Reasoning: 10 Qs.
Which questions you have to
attend first: It’s better to attempt first with that section on which you are very
confident and you can attempt in a minimum time.
For Ex:
1. Syllogism
2. Miscellaneous
3. Inequality
or Decision Making
4. Data
5. Input
6. Logical
7. Seating
Arrangement/ Puzzle Test
Note: Please do not start with Seating
Arrangement/ Puzzle type’s questions because once you stuck on this you will
lose your valuable time.
2. Data Analysis & Interpretation:
To score good marks in this section, you have
to be quick in solving mathematical calculations. You should have good command
on topics like Ratio, Percentage, and Average as in D.I. section mostly
questions come on the basis of these topics.
Data Analysis & Interpretation mainly contains, Pie Charts,
Bar Diagrams, Tables, Graphs, Probability & Data Analysis
It is one of the time consuming section. You
have to practice more than 400+DI Sums to become master in it. So better
prepare 5 sets of D.I. per day within 30mins.
In exam just attend only those questions in
which you are sure to give accurate answer. Don’t do guess work over there.
Don’t try to answer all DI questions.
If a DI consists of 5 questions just answer
the easiest question first. Don’t do long calculations, multiplications
etc..You just leave that and switch over to other question. If we do it
confidentially there is no problem in scoring 25+
Note: 1. Have a
fair clarity on how to get the right option in minimal time.
2. Have
speed in solving this section.
3. Learn the Square till 30 and tables till 20.
3. English Language
SBI PO English paper is tough, if we compare
with other competitive exams.Focus on English grammar & its deep concepts
like verbs, adverbs, adjectives, noun, pronoun etc. And a good command on
vocabulary would help you overcome the questions asked in the paper.
Which questions you should
attempt first:
1. Fill in
the Blanks.
2. Cloze Test
3. Common
Error in Sentence
4. Para
5. Passage
Based questions
We recommend you to read comprehensions, if
you have time at last, because if you are not able to understand in the middle
of the passage, your time will be wasted. If you want to answer early, don’t
spend too much of time for it. Set some time and follow the same.
Many candidates spend too much time to read
passage. If you are not good in reading comprehensions so it is better to skip
it. You can answer the questions just by reading the option and eliminate the
option by reading the passage. You will get idea which answer is too
close to the question.
We strongly recommend you to learn the
grammar part as much you can. If you are good at grammar, you can answer easily
within less amount of time.
It is very important in PO exams that you
have to know which question you have to leave and which question you have to
answer first. There will be 20 questions from grammar section. If you can
answer at least 15, you will be in safe zone.
4. General
Awareness/Marketing/Computer Knowledge: This is the easiest section in SBI PO Exam.
For GK, please read the newspaper daily and
make a notebook for that and note down the important news which is relevant for
exam. Read the Daily Gk Updates on daily basis which is posted on our site
Bankers Adda.
Note: In Gk section questions asked in a detail way. So you have to
study the banking awareness and current affairs in a detail way.
For Ex;
Qs. Consider the following with respect to different liabilities of a
(A) Demand Drafts (DDs)
(B) Outstanding Telegraphic Transfers (TTs)
(C) Unclaimed deposits
Which of the above is/are categorized as the
Demand Liabilities of a bank?
(1) Only
(2) Only A
& C
(3) Only A, C &
(4) All the
(5) None of these
Ans is 4. All the above
Computer Awareness: Just know what are computer, how it works and its history. Try to
learn each and every detail which helps the computer to perform. Also focus on
MS Word, Excel and Power Point chapters.
Marketing Awareness: This
section is based on Fundamental of marketing
and how to serve the customer.
Also topics include:
1. Banking policy
2. Basic concept (7Ps of Marketing and 7 S of Marketing).
3. Product
life cycle
4. Developing
stage of organization
5. Segmentation, positioning and targeting.
Keep checking for Banking
Awareness and Current Affairs. Also we will post Quiz on Computer and Marketing
Awareness. So keep visiting our site.
Note: We will also publish Gk Capsule
For SBI PO exam 15 or 20 days
before exam, which will contain past 5 months Current and Banking Affairs
events. So this will really help in your Gk section.
5. Descriptive: Descriptive paper contains, Letter Writing, Precise Writing
& Questions based on comprehension passage.
This section is really concern for many
candidates who do not have good writing skills and they fear while attempting
this section. Many candidates don’t know what to write and how to give answers
of the questions in descriptive paper.
For this you have to read the articles/
editorial of the English News Paper and try to understand then what has been
written in the given passage and after that try to write the gist of the
article/editorial/passage in your own language. It will improve your vocabulary
too and understanding ability of the passages.
Note: Don’t forget to read the English newspaper daily.
Map your speed: Keep Practicing:
You have to answer 200 questions with accuracy in 2
hours, which required good speed. But it is not possible to answer all the 200
questions in given stipulated time.
How to improve speed:
1. For improving your speed just buy Online Mock Test Series for SBI
PO exam because this time SBI is going to conduct online written exam.
2. You can
also buy books of previous year question papers, Model Practice sets so that
you will get an idea about the pattern and types of questions which was asked
in previous years SBI PO exam.
3. Now, this
is the easiest part of your preparation, as everyone knows that the only way to
improve your speed is by PRACTICE.
Start taking one test per week
for the next 2 months
You should follow all exam related
instructions while giving the test. Please remember that this test is for your
benefit. After the test is over, revise all the answers and see where you have
made mistakes and what all questions you could have easily answered but
couldn’t. This would help you in improving your score in subsequent tests that
you would take.
One month before the exam,
evaluated your strengths and weaknesses:
This would help you in formulating your
strategy for the ‘BIG DAY’. Let say, if I found that I am relatively
weaker in English as compared to other sections, I would allocate more time for
English while giving the test as I need to score a minimum cut-off marks in
English to pass the exam.
We should also not forget that marks scored in
the written exam have almost 80% weight age in the final selection. Hence,
scoring more is equally important as qualifying all the sections of the paper.
So, you need to score as much as you can in your stronger section.
Once you have made your strategy, start
taking 2 tests per week in the month before the exam
Practice, Practice and more
practice: Practice makes a man perfect it is said and this is
definitely not without reason. More the time spent in practicing, better is the
efficiency in the examination. Higher the efforts prior to the examination,
better is the efficiency during the examination.
Hence, a serious contender who is keen to
land a job in banking needs to put in hours and hours of hard work,
which has the ability of providing rewards in multiples.
The practice must be well
directed: For any examination, practice has to be
focused and in line with the requirements.
A professional guidance in understanding the
areas which require practice will go a long way in making one better equipped
to crack the bank examination.
Strategies and Plan: It’s
better to decide that from which section you have to start the exam before
appearing in the exam and
how much time you have to spend on each section.
Total Qs
Time 120
Comp+ Mark
15 min
25 min
35 - 40
40- 45
Note 1: Try to practice Online Mock Test on the basis of the above given
strategies, which will be easy and more comfortable for you to solve all the
2: For practice for SBI PO exam you can also
prefer Career Power SBI PO Online Test Series which will improve your
speed,efficiency and also provide the way to success.
All the Best for upcoming SBI PO 2014 Exam
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